An Undivided Union Read online

Page 21



  As previously agreed upon, the mounted infantry had secreted themselvesabout the mansion and along the foot-path leading across the brookbridge in the rear. The latter point was well wooded, and it was an easymatter for the thirty or forty men stationed at that point to keep outof sight. It still rained incessantly, and the riders were glad enoughto keep under the densest trees they could find.

  Artie and Life took positions at the head of the company across thebridge, leaving Captain Fordick on the opposite side of the foot-pathwith half of the soldiers. In these positions nearly an hour went bywithout anything unusual turning up.

  Artie had been worrying about what the general would say if Life and hedid not report at headquarters, but the tall Kentuckian assured him thatmatters had been arranged by having one of the mounted infantrymen takea written report. "Others have already tried to get through, and foundthe road impassable," he added. "So the news won't be new even when itdoes come."

  Presently from a distance came the splashing of a horse's hoofs throughthe pools of water formed in the path, and Artie held up his handsignificantly. "Wait until we make sure it is not the wrong person," hewhispered.

  A few seconds passed, and a man rode up. He was dressed in the suit of aUnion soldier, and was not Gossley. He headed directly for the mansion,but soon turned and rode for the barn.

  "What can this mean?" asked Life, but Artie shook his head inperplexity. Then came the sound of another horse's hoofs, and MajorGossley rode into view. He, too, started for the mansion, but the otherarrival hailed him from the barn; and both entered that structure.

  "Now I reckon we'll hear something worth listening to," said Life Knox."Come on, Artie." He turned to an infantryman standing by. "Send yourcaptain after us without delay."

  There was, however, no need to send for Captain Fordick, for he wasalready coming to join them. Borrowing a pistol to take the place of thegun, Artie led the way, and the other two came after. Soon they were bythe side of the barn, and in a position to overhear all that was beingsaid by those inside.

  "It's queer I missed you, Rose," Gossley was saying. "I don't understandit."

  "I had to be careful not to excite suspicion, Gossley, and it was sometime before I could get away. But I've got the information for you, andif you want to do General Bragg any good you had best make off with itwithout delay."

  "Well, what is the information?"

  "Here it is,--on a map I prepared last night. Here is the territory withthe names of the troops stationed at different points. The attack on thecentre and left is only a ruse, and the main attack will be on Bragg'sright, which the Union army will try to turn. Once the turn is made,Rosecrans intends to push on with all speed until Tullahoma is reached."

  "He'll never get there," muttered Major Gossley. "We'll fight them onthe right for all they are worth, and beat them back; see if we don't.Lieutenant, have a drink," and he pulled a whiskey-flask from hispocket. Both men drank a large portion of the fiery liquor, and theConfederate spy returned the flask to his pocket. The map was stowedaway, inside of the major's boot.

  "The leather is split in two," he explained to his companion. "Even ifthe boot was pulled off they wouldn't discover the map."

  "You are better prepared than Major Andre," laughed his companion."Well, I must be getting back. Good-by, and good luck to you, MajorGossley."

  "The same to you, Lieutenant Blevlich; and you can rest assured GeneralBragg won't forget your service."

  The two shook hands and prepared to leave the barn. But Captain Fordickhad sent out a signal, and a score of infantrymen on their horsessurrounded the building.

  "Surrender!" was the command of the mounted infantry's captain."Surrender, or we will fire upon you!"

  "Trapped!" yelled Gossley, in consternation, and his bronzed face grewpale. His companion for the moment said nothing.

  "Do you surrender, or not?" demanded Captain Fordick.

  "Who are you?"

  "I am Captain Fordick, commanding the Fordick Michigan mounted infantry,unattached," was the reply. "But you haven't answered my question yet."

  "I won't surrender, to be hung for what I've done," burst out thetraitorous lieutenant, and cutting his horse, he urged him out of thebarn. "Back, if you value your life!" and he thrust his pistol intoCaptain Artie Lyon's face.

  The young captain was about to fire on the fellow, when Life Knox'sweapon rang out, and the lieutenant pitched forward in his saddle andfell down at his horse's side. Frightened, the steed took to his heels,running directly for the brook. The lieutenant's foot had caught fast inthe stirrup and he was dragged along, his head striking the ground atevery step. In a twinkle, horse and man had disappeared into the watertogether.

  In the meantime Gossley had fired, and an infantryman riding behindCaptain Fordick was struck in the hip. The Confederate spy fired half adozen shots, and then leaped from his horse's back into the hay-mowabove. As he disappeared from view he yelled that he would kill anybodywho attempted to capture him.

  "Better get back," said Life. "There is no use in running a uselessrisk. We'll make him come down from his perch as fast as Davy Crockettbrought the 'possum from the tree."

  The advice was good, and captains and men scattered to points where theConfederate could not get a chance at him.

  "Now, if you'll let me take the lead I'll bring him down in shortorder," said the captain of the seventh company of the Riverlawns.

  "All right, do as you please," answered the Michigan captain, and Artienodded in approval.

  Advancing on foot to a tree directly behind the barn, Life called out toGossley,--

  "Are you coming down, Gossley?"

  "Not much."

  "You had better give yourself up. We are about fifty to one, you know."

  "I won't give myself up. You'll hang me as you hung Williams and Peter.I'm going to die game."

  "Wouldn't you rather be hung than burnt alive?" went on Life, coolly.

  "What do you mean by that?"

  "I mean that if you won't come down and surrender, we'll burn you out."

  "You can't do it. The place is too wet."

  "Well, we'll smoke you out then, and shoot you as soon as you appear. Ifyou want to become an ordinary prisoner, now is your chance. I won't doany talking with you after we have applied the torch."

  At this Gossley began to say some very uncomplimentary things concerningthe Unionists in general and those outside in particular. But the tallKentuckian cut him short.

  "I'll give you exactly two minutes in which to make up your mind," hewent on.

  "Go to thunder!" growled Gossley.

  "I'll go and light that torch," answered Life, and retreated.

  At the end of exactly one minute and a half Gossley called to him.

  "Say there!"

  "Have you made up your mind to come down?"

  "If I give myself up, what will you do with me?"

  "Turn you over to the commander at headquarters."

  "As an ordinary prisoner of war?"

  "No, as a rebel spy."

  "Then I won't come down," howled Gossley, and continued to sayuncomplimentary things.

  But when Life really advanced with a lighted torch, his courage failedhim, and just as some loose hay was lighted, he called out that he wouldgive in and threw down his pistols. In another moment he came downhimself and submitted to having his hands bound behind him. Then Artietook possession of the map placed in the bootleg.

  "What are you going to do with that?"

  "Turn it over to General Mitchell, who will probably take the case toGeneral Rosecrans."

  "You can't prove anything against me," blustered the Confederate.

  "Never mind, we can try pretty hard," said Life Knox, dryly.

  "Have you done anything up to the house?"

  "You will learn in time, I reckon," concluded Life, and hurried offtoward the brook.

  Here it was ascertain
ed that the traitorous lieutenant had paid for histreachery with his life. The horse had dragged him over the rough stonybottom of the brook until the man's head was fairly crushed in by hoofsand stones. The negroes Joe and Sam were set to work digging a graveclose to the brook, and the remains were soon after buried inthis,--where they still lie, unnamed, and well-nigh forgotten.

  It was now getting late, and all felt they must be on the way. Yet everyman was hungry, and it was decided that a meal should first be had atColonel's Bradner's expense. The negro cook, who had been hiding aboutthe kitchen, was brought to light, and made to promise to get ready thebest spread the plantation could provide, and it must be acknowledgedthat she kept her word.

  As Captain Fordick was not willing to escort a woman prisoner back tocamp, a detail was left at the mansion, taking both the lady of thehouse and her husband into custody. Every weapon about the place wasconfiscated, and the colored people were placed under strictsurveillance, that they might not help master and mistress in secret.

  Mrs. Bradner wept bitterly when told that her brother was captured andwould be taken to the Union headquarters as a spy. On her knees shebegged Artie, Life, and Captain Fordick in turn to let Gossley go. Butthis was, of course, out of the question. Now that matters had turnedout so favorably for him, Artie could not help but feel sorry for thelady, who had allowed her mistaken patriotism to lead her so far astray,yet he could do nothing for her, and left the place as soon as thedinner was finished.

  Two hours of hard riding brought the infantry and their prisoner togeneral headquarters, and here Gossley was turned over to the properauthorities, who sent him to a western prison, there to remain until theclose of the war. The head of the staff, although busy with numerousother reports, listened with close attention to Artie's tale, and placedthe map taken from the spy on file.

  "It was a good bit of work, Captain Lyon," he said. "And it is likely tobe remembered to your credit."

  "It was only my duty, sir," answered Artie. "Any Union soldier wouldhave done as much."

  "Possibly. But let me say, it is a big thing to catch a spy," and thenArtie was dismissed to join his company, along with Life Knox. Theunattached infantrymen were ordered to remain in the vicinity of ColonelBradner's plantation, which was afterwards transformed into a temporaryhospital.

  By this time the cavalry, of which the Riverlawns formed a portion, hadpassed through Eagleville, to do some sharp skirmishing at Rover. Herethe Confederates attempted to make a stand, but the forces under GeneralMitchell were too powerful for them, and they broke and filed down theroad leading to Unionville and Shelbyville. At the same time anothercavalry force made a demonstration on the extreme left, and someinfantry began to operate about Woodbury. Thus was Bragg completelyblinded to what the true intention of the Union commander was, and sentforce after force to his left when he should have hurried them inexactly the opposite direction.

  When Artie reached his command, to relieve Lieutenant Black, he foundDeck in his old place at the head of the battalion. The major was paleand nervous, and probably weaker than he cared to show, yet he insistedon remaining where he was, against the advice of his father and bothMajors Truman and Belthorpe.

  "We're bound to drive the Confederates as far as Unionville beforenightfall," he said, enthusiastically. "The battalion has been doingsplendidly, and Black couldn't have done better."

  The colonel was also glad to see Artie back, and astonished at the talethe young man had to tell. But the talk between the two was cut short byan order from General Mitchell. They had been halting just outside ofRover. Now they were commanded to proceed to a side road and cut off anyConfederates who were trying to escape to Unionville from thatdirection.

  In two minutes the cavalry was off on a gallop, feeling that some hotwork was in store for them. And that feeling did not prove adisappointment.